
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hello,hi,harlo.hie,hey. ok that was lame. I ♥ 5 station. coz i did the best for me :)YEAH ok done blogging:) so lame right

what we could have been, Wednesday, April 22, 2009.
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hi! i never blog for like very long liaos :) & i'm proud of it:)ok back to my birthday ( swish)welcome back to the 10 of april yay! i started by waking then brush my teeth then bathe then wake everyone up(the best part:) the wake my bro up the he like scream " ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!SO EARLY SIA!!!!!!!!!GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!'" so sads right???? then we wen tswimming . then we went to some place that have free board games to play my fav ones were the cowboy thingy the rat-a-tat cat and the other one that i forgot what is it called:) then we went to buy dvds and vcds and stuff and then bring home and like watch :) and the going on to another day whitch i forgot :) i went to MELT it rocks especially the desserts :) and other stuff :) i ♥ed the tea coz its like nice :) ♥♥♥♥♥♂♂♂♀♀♀ then yeah tts it ouh and my hp bill was like WOOSH so ex my dad killed me but i'm still alive yay:)

what we could have been, Thursday, April 16, 2009.


♥Jing Xuan♥Jia Ling♥
12 E.P.P.S♥ 12 N.A.P.S♥
Say What?!

get one from cbox!
I Wish.....
Black FBT(3)
Hot Pink FBT(1)
Lime Green FBT(2)
Red FBT(1)
Grey FBT(1)
lil miss tee(5)
cookie monster t
▪ new camera
▪ Get 260+ for PSLE
▪ Freedom
▪ Dark Blue FBT
. White FBT ▪ More FBT'S
▪ More Cookie Monster T's
Get Out!
N.T:), Jing♥, Carine♥, Hoan Shi♥, Nicolette♥, Ying Jin♥, Charissa♥, Jannah♥, ♥Jane♥, ♥Denise♥, ♥Jean♥, ♥Regine♥, ♥Vanessa♥, Isabel♥, Jason:).
♀The People♂
▪Crystal=Good Friend
▪Jean=The Cutie
▪F.Denise=Cool AngMorh
▪Jason=90degrees sideburn
▪JY=Cool Kid
▪Isabel=Music Lover
▪Regine=Super I dunno Person
▪Ying Jin=Volleyball Freak
▪Dacie=Nigahiga Fan/Phoebe's Answere sheet
▪Phoebe=Nigahiga fan/Banglahdash/Dacie's Cushion
August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 July 2009
Thank Q's
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.